


Looking for the conversation among classmates?
You'll find it in the Message Forum in the first tab on the left.
Just 'click' on it and join in!!.
Reminder: If you haven't done so recently, be sure to update "Notify Me" so you won't miss out.
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Grandkids Photo Gallery
A place to show off and brag
about your g-kids and gg-kids.
(see link on left)
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This site was created to help promote, celebrate and reconnect with classmates. Your participation is essential for it to succeed. We need your photos, updates, and memories to enhance the site. Your fellow classmates will enjoy hearing about you. Even if you haven't attended a reunion, nor kept in touch since high school, we ask that you please take the time to update your profile and maybe add a photo or two. Your additions will make this site fun, interesting and complete.
To become a member of this website and to gain access
to all of the features, you will need to register and
create your own personal password.
Simply click on “Classmates” in the upper left-hand
corner, then find your name, click on it and follow all prompts.
If your name isn’t listed, contact us.