50th Reunion Event Survey


The Reunion Committee is interested in your opinion on the various activities offered during the 50th Reunion held on October 19-20, 2012.  Please respond only to those questions with which you are familiar.  Grade the various topics as if you were giving them a 'report card'.  Your responses will be used only in an effort to build upon and improve future reunions and associated activities such as the class website and communication.  Please take the time to be as thorough as possible and provide as much information concerning your opinions as you can possibly convey.  Thank you for your interest and involvement!





You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   With respect to the Friday night mixer: What was your opinion of 'Raffles' as a meeting location?

  A - Excellent
  B - Very Good
  C - Average
  D - Barely Passing
  F - Failing Grade
  Not Applicable - Did not attend
2)   Again with respect to the Friday night mixer: What was your opinion of the quality and quantity of the food and beverage selection at Raffles?

  A - Excellent
  B - Very Good
  C - Average
  D - Barely Passing
  F - Failing Grade
  Not Applicable - Did not attend
3)   Again considering your experience at the Friday night mixer at Raffles: Please provide your comments and observations, and be as specific and forthcoming as possible.

4)   Turning now to the Saturday morning tour of the HHS campus: What was your opinion of the experience you had in touring your old 'stomping grounds'?

  A - Excellent
  B - Very Good
  C - Average
  D - Barely Passing
  F - Failing Grade
  Not Applicable - Did not make the tour
5)   Again considering your experience at the Saturday morning tour of the HHS campus: Please provide your comments and observations, and be as specific and forthcoming as possible.

6)   Moving on now to the main Saturday night banquet event at Olympic Hills Golf and Conference Center: What was your overall opinion of Olympic Hills as a venue for the banquet?

  A - Excellent
  B - Very Good
  C - Average
  D - Barely Passing
  F - Failing Grade
  Not Applicable - Did not attend the banquet
7)   Again with respect to the Saturday night banquet at Olympia Hills: What was your opinion of the menu selections and the quality and quantity of the food and beverages for the banquet?

  A - Excellent
  B - Very Good
  C - Average
  D - Barely Passing
  F - Failing Grade
  Not Applicable - Did not attend the banquet
8)   Considering now the actual banquet program, what feature or activity would you like to have seen included in the program and/or in future banquet programs? Enter only one selection for this question. Additional ideas may be expressed in your response to the next question (#9).

  Biographical presentations by each classmate
  Casino night activities
  Designated photo opportunity time
  Additional memento opportunities such as the caricatures
9)   Again considering your experience at the Saturday night banquet at Olympia Hills: Please provide your comments and observations, and be as specific and forthcoming as possible. If you have suggestions for banquet features or programs not included in the list above, please provide them in the space below.

10)   Moving along now to the budget/cost aspects of the Reunion weekend: The Reunion Committee wanted to make the 50th Class Reunion a meaningful and memorable experience yet still affordable for all who wanted to attend. How well do you think the Committee achieved its objective?

  Too lavish - not affordable
  Enjoyable but affordable - just right!
  Too cheap - where was the free champagne?
  Was unable to attend because of the expense
11)   Again considering your experience relative to the cost/budget aspect of the Reunion events: Please provide your comments and observations, and be as specific and forthcoming as possible.

12)   What was the one great surprise or joyful moment that you experienced as a result of the Class Reunion?

13)   As a result of the Class Reunion, were you able to reconnect with a special classmate you had lost track of over the years?

14)   What type of activities would you like to have had included for the 50th Class Reunion but were not?

15)   Did you feel as though you had adequate time and opportunity to visit and/or see everyone you wanted? If not, what activities would you recommend for providing those opportunities?

16)   If you felt that your 50th HHS Class Reunion was a special event, what made it so for you?

17)   The Class Website was established early last year and was the primary means for publicizing the Reunion, registering guests for activities and events, and posting photos taken during the Reunion. What 'grade' would you give the website's effectiveness and performance?

  A - Excellent
  B - Very Good
  C - Average
  D - Barely passing
  F - Failing Grade
  Not Applicable - Never visited the Class Website
18)   The HHS Class of '62 Website is YOUR website, and the Reunion Committee is constantly looking for ways to improve it and provide features that will make it more appealing to our classmates and guests. Please provide any suggestions and recommendations you may have for ways in which the website might be improved and attract additional visits.

19)   The Committee hopes to make all the comments and opinions available to others via the Class Website, E-mail, etc, while at the same time respecting the privacy of individual classmates. May we use your name in association with your comments?

20)   Thank you very much for participating in the survey and for your opinions, observations, and comments. If there is any subject not covered by the survey for which you would like to provide an opinion or comment, please do so in the following space. And thank you again for your participation and interest!